Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Unveiling top 5 acne myths

Like many other common disorders and diseases, there have been several myths and unrealistic assumptions associated with acne. The main cause of the formation and spread of these myths is lack of proper understanding of the disorder, little or no knowledge about the development of disease and unnecessary delay in diagnosis and treatment of acne.
The following article attempts to explain some of the common acne-related myths and also throws light on the actual reality behind each of these myths.

Myth 1: Acne is caused by poor hygiene or washing
Fact: Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, sweating, or not washing. These factors do not cause the clogged pores that contribute to acne development. While medicated washes containing benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are one form of treatment for acne, simple soap and water does not treat the condition.

Myth 2: Acne is caused by diet
Fact: Acne is not caused by diet. No scientific connection has been found between diet and acne. No food, not chocolate, fries, pizza, or any other food, has been shown to actually “cause” acne. However, diet can play an important role in lessening or aggravating the intensity of the disease.

Myth 3: There is no treatment or cure for acne
Fact: Acne does not need to be allowed to run its course. The condition can be treated as there are prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) products (although medicines are never free of side effects) for it. There have been also some natural or herbal treatments for acne that have, to date, no reported side effect.

Myth 4: I can prevent acne from washing my face more often
Fact: No.  You cannot prevent acne from washing my face more often. Dirt does not cause acne. It is the overproduction of oil (sebum) from within the skin rather than the surface oil/dirt that leads to acne.

Myth 5: Squeezing a pimple may help me get rid of those notorious pimples
Fact: Absolutely not. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Squeezing a pimple may cause the contents of the follicle to rupture into the tissue rather than being expressed to the surface of the skin.  This can cause tissue damage and scarring. Sometimes a medical provider will open a pimple or cyst with a special instrument designed not to damage the tissue, but you should avoid squeezing or picking pimples.

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